Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tyler's Investment Results: Ron 4-0, Ottis 3-1, John 2-2, Andy 1-3, Tyler 1-3, Dr. Tole 2-3

Busy week it was on "Investments," here are the results.

Ron has the best week between Investors.  With a whopping 4-0 week, he catapulted himself right back into the race!

Ron in NJ (4-0): Hits - Cards -3, Seahawks -7, Dolphins +2.5, Chiefs -4.  Misses - None.
Say Hello to Ottis (3-1): Hits - Chargers +10.5, Bears -1, Colts -6.  Misses - Eagles -5.
John in CT (2-2): Hits - Dolphins +2.5, Ravens +6.  Misses - Falcons -7, Jags +1.
Andy in Seattle (1-3): Hits - Chiefs -4.  Misses - Pats -2.5, Eagles -5, Panthers -11.
Tyler in Moorpark (1-3): Hits - Steelers +3.  Misses - Lions -6.5, Panthers -11, Bucs +5.5.

and Dr. Craig Tole's Picks which won't count for the season-long contest went 2-3.   He hit with Dolphins +2.5 and Bills -1.  He missed with the Army/Navy over 51, Giants +7, and Texans +6.

I should add that the Panthers -11 pick was REALLY close to hitting, which would have given a large percentage of the group a non-losing week.  It was a late field touchdown by the Jets which took away this otherwise solid investment.

Now to our last week of "Investments": the Bowl Game edition!  That's coming up later this week.

Edit:  Forgot to post the updated standings!  Here you go...

John: 14-12-2
Andy: 10-9-1
Ron: 10-9-1
Ottis: 10-10
Tyler: 13-15

The best thing about these standings is that it's close enough where, I believe, any one person could take the lead in our last week of investments.  Good luck to all!

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