Thursday, February 7, 2013

Dave's Thoughts of the Day: February 8th

I feel bad for the Northeast, about to get another storm.   I hope everyone is safe this weekend.  Be well everyone.  For now here's what was on my mind...

Today, I am at a cross-roads.

I'm realizing just how absurd it is to pay nearly 100 dollars a month for TV programming at my home.   I grant you there's a number of good channels to watch but I barely watch any of them.  I keep up with the local teams, put in some ESPN, and once in a while, NFL/NHL/MLB network.

This is worth 100 bones a month?  Directv has really raked me across hot coals for several years now, and before that, Cox Communications had the privilege.   I kept Directv all this time to have the chance to get NFL Sunday Ticket.  Today, I'm feeling a little different about it.

I don't know what to do.   I can't afford to keep the service anymore.  I'd save nearly 100 bucks every month, and I want to cut down on expenses somehow.

And yet, it presents a whole series of complications:  do I cede my intense following of sports?  Am I giving up my authority on sporting events around the globe?  Will it compromise the quality of my sports podcast?  These are all things I'm very worried about.

My love of sports has presented a tough situation:  it's the one thing I love most on TV, yet, it's the most expensive bill I pay every month.   Electricity is usually not more than 45 bones... Gas is about 15-20.   Things like that.

I can still watch TV using the rabbit ears here in Los Angeles.  I won't be completely in the dark.  Nonetheless, it would present a new chapter in my life.   There might be other ways to get to the biggest sporting events like semi-legal streams or trips to the sports bar.

Speaking of Los Angeles, would you believe Ryan Lochte is in town?  I know, dumb question, of course you would!   This place was made for dopes like him, but more power to him.  Welcome back, Lochte.

I am also happy to report that the Income Tax return is completed!   Do the dance!   I'm always so relieved to get it done.  Thankfully, it went very quickly this year.  I don't have a whole lot to account for, which is a blessing in disguise.

Do you have helicopters fly in the area sometimes?  We had one last night, not that close by but close enough where you could hear the rotors going like one endless hum.  If it's close enough it makes it tough to sleep.

OH but what a thrill it is to have Friday here.  Not sure what to do tonight, but even a nothing-night is a good night.

The story behind the making of this G.I. Joe sequel movie is just so odd and complicated.  That's Hollywood for ya!

Porto's Bakery in Burbank or Glendale is a winner... and it's so cheap too!  I believe I spoke of their fine goods before, but it's worth going back down the road.

The Lakers showed their true colors last night.  It was disgusting, but not surprising.  This is basically what they are -- awful.   I'm glad they got that win at Brooklyn the other night.   If anything they got it together for one night.  I'm not sure where LA goes from here anyhow.

I'm seriously in a mood for a big bowl of fruit.  I took too long to pick some up at the grocery store but I shall be on my way very soon.

I think that's all I got this A.M.  enjoy your morning.  --and yes, are we all getting hosed too much by our cable/satellite provider?   Something to consider going into the weekend.  Farewell for now, folks.

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