I think you all know by now. Oregon State pulls the HUGE upset of USC, 28-21 at Corvallis, OR. Jacquizz Rodgers, dominated the Trojans front line and rushed for 186 yards and two TDs.
Ok here it comes, the big USC rant, are you ready??
I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!!!! What a flippin' disgrace!! Are you kidding me, Carroll? This is a complete joke. You let a 5'6" guy run all over the "Nation's #1 ranked defense." I do not care what other people say about how "great Oregon State played." That's a myth. Oregon State didn't play any better than Ohio State played the week before. They didn't play any better than Stanford did a year ago.
The fact is very simple: USC DID NOT SHOW UP READY TO... PLAY!!!!!
So here we are: USC used to be good. "Used to be" are the key words. There was a time when USC caught everybody off guard. Whether it was Palmer or Leinart, Polamalu or Bush, the Trojans domianted college football. But once they go from the hunter to the hunted, things fall apart.
First of all, we all know that Pete Carroll is a lousy in-game coach. I think we all know this by now, and it's fairly obvious to even the least imposing teams that all it takes is smart coaching, energy, and SPEED. Those three ingredients will give USC a hard time if they're not ready for the opponent.
Four years of this! Every year the Trojans have the best talent in College Football, and every year they choke one game out of the year they have no right to lose. Every year they lose to an inferior team because they go into the game with a huge mental let down. Yes, sports fans, I'm including the Rose Bowl against Texas.
USC's season is over. It's done! FINISHED! FINITO! SE ACABO!! FIN!! To even consider talking about a National Championship is an insult to the rest of College Football.
If you follow college football. if you are a fan, like I am, and if you appreciate the best of the best, please do me a favor. Do not ever, EVER consider USC an elite team ever again, this year or next, until they actually prove it on the field. I don't care how much talent they have, until they can prove to us that they belong on the field with every team they play, they're pretenders. Remember it's not just one year of blowing their wad. They have done this now for four years in a row. They don't deserve a national championship bid. They don't deserve a Rose Bowl. Heck, USC doesn't even deserve the damn Holiday Bowl the way they keep choking to bad teams.
I've had it!!
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